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Train-the-Trainer Course for IT Professionals

Title Train-the-Trainer Course for IT Professionals
Course code CM670-12-2024-C
Objective Upon completing the course, participants will learn effective teaching techniques. For those with teaching potential, CPTTM will consider hiring them to teach IT courses at the Cyberlab in the future.
Content In each session:
  • Each participant is required to give a presentation lasting 10 to 15 minutes, which will be evaluated by the Instructor. The content of the presentation is to be determined by the participant.
  • Participants will engage in discussions with each other and with the Instructor to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the presentations. Participants are expected to make improvements in the same session and in subsequent sessions.
Assessment In-class performance and exercises
Target audience Individuals who wants to teach at CPTTM and posses certain IT skills (such as web design, multimedia production, programming, networking, graphic design, and computer hardware, etc.) . They do not need to be good instructors at the moment, but they must have the perseverance to continuously learn.
Prerequisite Individuals with a good knowledge of certain IT skills, such as web design, multimedia production, programming, networking, graphic design, and computer hardware, etc. They should have a passion for teaching, as well as the perseverance to continuously learn and improve.
Class size 10 Full
Instructor CPTTM Appointed Instructor(s)
Handout All training material provided by CPTTM
Instruction language Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Handout language Handout in English (partly in Chinese)
Duration 12 hours in 4 sessions
Schedule 19:00-22:00, from Dec 11, 2024 to Dec 18, 2024 every Wednesday, and from Jan 8, 2025 to Jan 15, 2025 every Wednesday.
Fee Free of charge
Venue Cyber-Lab (Rua Comandante Mata Oliveira, Ed. Associacao Industrial, 3-andar Macau)
Certificate Certificate of Attendance issued by CPTTM (with full attendance and completing in-class exercises).
PDAC code ---
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