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Database Design with SQL

Title Database Design with SQL
Course code CM459-08-2024-C
Objective The main purpose of this course is to teach students to design and implement a database for some specific business requirements, store the data in resonable structure for further query and analysis. This course will also teach students the correct way to design a database with usual design patterns.
  • Identifying the design purpose
  • Applying the normalization process
  • Designing the table structures
  • Setting up the table constraints
  • Setting up the table indexes
  • Setting up the access rights for tables
  • Implement by SQL
Assessment At least 80% attendance and complete all in-class exercises and assessments.
Target audience Software developers or people who have to operate with a relational database
Prerequisite Familar with SQL or finished the course "CM429 - Introduction to SQL", please check the self-assessment.
Class size 18
Instructor Microsoft certified Trainer(MCT), Oracle Certifited Professional (OCP), a result-driven IT professional experienced in hardware & network troubleshooting. Certified in MCITP,CCNA, Oracle OCP and ITIL v3 qualification. Has been teaching for CPTTM since 2004.
Instruction language Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Handout language English
Duration 18 hours in 6 sessions
Schedule 18:45-21:45, from Aug 5, 2024 to Aug 23, 2024 every Monday, Friday.
Fee MOP980
Venue Cyber-Lab (Rua Comandante Mata Oliveira, Ed. Associacao Industrial, 3-andar Macau)
Certificate Certificate of Completion/Merit issued by CPTTM (with at least 80% attendance and passed the assessment).
PDAC code Approved Course under the SAR Government "Continuing Education Development Program", Code: 2401120212-0
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