Sign Language (Elementary) - Level 1

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Title Sign Language (Elementary) - Level 1
Course code AT345.1-02-2025-C
Objective This course is designed for beginners to learn basic, simple and common sign language vocabularies, sentences and conversation. After completing the course, students will acquire basic understanding of sign language and shall communicate with others.
  1. Teaching the principles of sign language.
  2. Introduce the sign language structure and skill.
  3. Basic words: greeting words, question words and simple sentences , etc.
  4. Common words: time, money, numbers, dates and simple sentences, etc.
  5. Teaching the vocabulary and basic sentences of food, fruit and antonyms.
  6. Teaching the basic sentences and conversation of entertainment, hobby and sport .
  7. Sentences and conversation practice.
  8. Group activities.
  9. Test.
Assessment Completion of assignments from the instructor.
Target audience Interested parties, individuals wishing to increase their understanding of sign language, especially business employees or employers interesting in hiring the hearing-impaired.
Prerequisite N/A
Class size 15
Instructor Instructor from Macau Deaf Association
Instruction language Cantonese and Macao Sign Language
Handout language Handouts in Chinese (traditional)
Duration 12 hours in 8 sessions
Schedule 19:30-21:00, from Feb 11, 2025 to Mar 6, 2025 every Tuesday, Thursday.
Fee MOP1,420
Venue Fashion Lab (Rua dos Pescadores, Ed. Industrial Ocean, Fase II, 10 andar Macau)
Certificate Joint Certificate of Completion/Merit is issued by Macau Deaf Association & CPTTM (with at least 80% attendance and passed the assessment)
PDAC code Approved Course under the SAR Government "Continuing Education Development Program", Code: 2407100031-0
  • Students who join this course will automatically grant CPTTM the right to use their assignments and final projects for course promotion purposes.
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