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Applying Microsoft Office 2016/2019 to Human Resources Management

Title Applying Microsoft Office 2016/2019 to Human Resources Management
Course code MG98-07-2023-C
Objective Upon completion of the course, participants should be capable of utilizing Word, Excel and Access to more systematically manage human resources information, thereby enhancing office productivity. By adopting a task-oriented approach, participants can enhance their skills in using such software applications while developing the system.

Applying Word

  • Creating personnel forms and templates
  • Using mail merge

Applying Excel

  • Creating worksheets for employee salary calculation, attendance/absence records, job performance etc.
  • Creating graphs and charts
  • Using queries
  • Using related functions

Using Word and Excel print merge function

Using Access to create employee database

  • Creating employee data worksheets
  • Designing forms
  • Designing reports
  • Using queries
Assessment In-class exercises, assignments and exam
Target audience Individuals who would like to become more proficient in applying Word, Excel and Access to managing human resources information
Prerequisite A basic knowledge of using Word, Excel and Access.
Class size 20
Instructor CPTTM Appointed Instructor(s)
Instruction language Cantonese
Handout language Handouts in Chinese (traditional)
Duration 24 hours in 8 sessions
Schedule 10:00-13:00, from Jul 2, 2023 to Aug 20, 2023 every Sunday.
Fee MOP1,480
Venue CPTTM Head Office (Rua de Xangai 175, Edf. ACM 7 Andar, Macau)
Certificate Certificate of Completion/Merit issued by CPTTM (with at least 80% attendance and passed the assessment).
PDAC code Approved Course under the SAR Government "Continuing Education Development Program", Code: 2301130139-0
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