Relevant Law and Regulation on Macau Real Estate Activities and Taxation

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Title Relevant Law and Regulation on Macau Real Estate Activities and Taxation
Course code MG130.3-06-2024-C
Objective This unit is designed for the holders of real estate intermediary and agent license, aiming to enhance participants’ understanding of the relevant law and regulation requirements other than Macau real estate intermediary activities, real estate transactions, leasing and uncompleted property, as well as relevant taxation on real estate activities.
  1. “Law on Property Registration”, letter of authorization, power of attorney, letter of inheritance
    • Regulations of “Law on Property Registration” and “Law on Notarization” which related to real estate transactions
    • Other related notices on immovable property transactions (e.g. marriage, succession etc.)
  2. Relevant taxation on real estate activities
    • Special stamp duty, stamp duty on obtaining non-first-used real estate and relevant taxation
  3. "Personal Data Protection Act"
    • Introduction to “Personal Data Protection Act”
    • Proper handling personal information of clients
  4. Prevention of bribery and to combat money laundering
    • Introduction to “Prevention and Repression of Corruption in the Private Sectors”
    • Corruption prevention measures
    • Measures to combat money laundering (e.g. how to identify suspicious transactions etc.)
    • Brief introduction of the Housing Bureau notice # 3/2019 “Instructions on Precautionary Measures in Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism” on the entities of immovable property intermediary activities
  5. Case analysis of relevant law and regulation
Assessment 80% attendance or above
Target audience Macau I.D. holder with valid real estate intermediary or agent license.
  • Macau I.D. holder
  • Holder of valid real estate intermediary or agent license
  • *Original copy of Macau I.D., and a copy of real estate intermediary license(and related proof document) or original copy of real estate agent license are required to present and to provide a photocopy of Macau I.D. upon registration.
    Class size 25 Full
    Instructor Representatives of Commission Against Corruption, Financial Intelligence Office and CPTTM Appointed Instructor
    Instruction language Cantonese
    Handout language Handouts in Chinese
    Duration 8 hours in 4 sessions
    Schedule 19:00-21:00, from Jun 17, 2024 to Jun 26, 2024 every Monday, Wednesday.
    Fee MOP300. Students whose attendance is 80% or greater will be reimbursed 100% of the fee.
    Venue CPTTM Head Office (Rua de Xangai 175, Edf. ACM 7 Andar, Macau)
    Certificate Joint Certificate of Attendance issued by Housing Bureau (IHM) and the Macau Productivity & Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) (with at least 80% attendance).
    PDAC code ---
  • This course is co-organized by Housing Bureau (IHM) and the Macau Productivity & Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM).
  • This course is one of the 3 units of the “Legal Knowledge Training on Macau Real Estate Intermediary Activities(MG130)” .
  • Joint Certificate of Attendance issued by Housing Bureau (IHM) and the Macau Productivity & Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) for participants who have completed this unit(with at least 80% attendance).
  • Joint Certificate of Completion issued by Housing Bureau (IHM) and the Macau Productivity & Technology Transfer Center (CPTTM) for participants who have completed all 3 units.
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