Title | Big Data Analytics: R Analytics for Business and Internet+ |
Course code | CM535-03-2018-C |
Objective | Learning about Big Data Analytics essential and how to use Big Data Analytics for the business, web site and internet activity as an analytics tool . |
Content |
Assessment | In-class performance and exercises |
Target audience | Willing to learning Dig Data analytics , database administrator and programmer |
Prerequisite | Database administration experience and programmers |
Class size | 25 |
Instructor | Instructor from Hong Kong Productivity Council |
Handout | Original Courseware from Hong Kong Productivity Council |
Instruction language | Cantonese (supplemented with English) |
Handout language | English |
Duration | 12 hours in 4 sessions |
Schedule | 10:00-13:00, 14:00-17:00, from Mar 17, 2018(Saturday) to Mar 18, 2018(Sunday). |
Fee | MOP7,500 |
Venue | Cyber-Lab (Rua Comandante Mata Oliveira, Ed. Associacao Industrial, 3-andar Macau) |
Certificate | Certificate of Attendance issued by CPTTM (for students who have attained 100% attendance) |
PDAC code | --- |