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Cross platform mobile App development with JavaScript

Title Cross platform mobile App development with JavaScript
Course code CM521-07-2023-C

Almost all mobile App want to run on as many platform as possible, developers have to develop the same App for different platform, it cost a lot of time and hard to manage, simpilify the development process, make the App could run on multiple platform become a urgent requirement.

This course are design for teaching students to use JavaScript to develop cross platform Mobile Apps.

  • Building simple web app with jQuery Mobile
  • Modularized JavaScript code and logic
  • Model-View-Controller in JavaScript and server-side architecture.
  • Compare between VueJS, ReactJS, AngularJS and jQuery.
  • Building web app with ReactJS
  • Modularized view components in ReactJS
  • Building web app with VueJS
  • Building cross-platforms native app with ReactNative.
  • The future of JavaScript and what to expect in the Progressive Web Application era.
Assessment In-class performance, exercises and final project
Target audience Mobile Phone App Developer or anyone interested in Mobile Phone App Development.
Prerequisite Know how to code, familier with HTML, JavaScript and CSS, Know Database and Web App Concept. Please check the self-assessment.
Class size 16
Instructor Instructor has more than 10 years experience of web & mobile app design and development, had got several awards from local competitions. Founded a technology company, provides professional one-stop internet solution, serving government departments, hotels and SMEs.
Instruction language Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Handout language Handouts in Chinese (supplemented with English terminology)
Duration 33 hours in 11 sessions
Schedule 10:00-13:00, from Jul 8, 2023 to Sep 16, 2023 every Saturday, plus Sep 23, 2023(Saturday), excluding Sep 2, 2023(Saturday).
Fee MOP2,980
Venue Cyber-Lab (Rua Comandante Mata Oliveira, Ed. Associacao Industrial, 3-andar Macau)
Certificate Certificate of Completion/Merit issued by CPTTM (with at least 80% attendance and passed the assessment).
PDAC code Approved Course under the SAR Government "Continuing Education Development Program", Code: 2304110020-0
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