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Frontend UI Design

Title Frontend UI Design
Course code CM502-06-2016-C

Either website or mobile app, the information displaied on the interface become more and more, good design of the interface could guide the target client to retrieve the information in a shorten path, help make deal or improve marketing effectiveness, interface design become more and more important on software design.

This course teach students to recognize various UI elements and applications, introduce common content orgnaztion methodology, optimize user experience, let them be able to develop better software user interface.

  • Important of UI Design
  • Introduce to comment UI Component and Usage
  • Data Category and Organization
  • Navigation and Search
  • User experience optimization
  • Use case sharing
Assessment Attendance and in-class exercises
Target audience Anyone interested in design better UI
Prerequisite Having used a computer (e.g., Windows, Word). Please create an e-learning account and then do the self-assessment to check.
Class size 17
Instructor Instructor has more than 10 years experience of web development and multimedia application design. He wrote several books on game design and web development books. Now he is skill competition manager for web technologies in WorldSkills. The competitors that he trained, has won multiple awards in international competitions, including a gold medal in WorldSkills.
Instruction language Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Handout language Handouts in Chinese (supplemented with English terminology)
Duration 9 hours in 3 sessions
Schedule 19:00-22:00, from Jun 30, 2016 to Jul 14, 2016 every Thursday.
Fee MOP800
Venue Cyber-Lab (Rua Comandante Mata Oliveira, Ed. Associacao Industrial, 3-andar Macau)
Certificate Certificate of Completion/Merit issued by CPTTM (with at least 80% attendance and passed the assessment).
PDAC code ---
Remark Approved Course under the SAR Government "Continuing Education Development Program", Code: 1510322893
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