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Creating fundamental web pages with HTML and CSS

Title Creating fundamental web pages with HTML and CSS
Course code CM460-09-2016-C
Objective Teaching students to use HTML and CSS to build simple web pages. The class will introduce the students the basic HTML tags and attributes and the common CSS styles, making students understand the components and structures of general websites clearly. This class will also introduce the famous CSS framework - Bootstrap to build Web 2.0 website interfaces, which benefits from reducing repeating codes and improving the development efficiency.
  • The purpose of a web design
  • The basic structures of websites and HTML web pages
  • The basic HTML tags
  • Typesetting and font styling
  • Creating hyperlinks and images
  • Using tables
  • Web page layouts
  • Introudction to the HTML header
  • Introudction to the CSS framework - Bootstrap
Assessment At least 80% attendance and complete all in-class exercises and assessments.
Target audience Software developers or people interested in learning web design and development
Prerequisite Skilled computer operation. Please create an e-learning account and then do the self-assessment to check.
Class size 18
Instructor Instructor has more than 10 years experience of web development and multimedia application design. He wrote several books on game design and web development books. Now he is skill competition manager for web technologies in WorldSkills. The competitors that he trained, has won multiple awards in international competitions, including a gold medal in WorldSkills.
Instruction language Cantonese (supplemented with English)
Handout language English
  • Lecture: 15 hours in 5 sessions
  • Makeup: 3 hours in 1 sessions
  • Total: 18 hours in 6 sessions
  • Lecture: 19:00-22:00, from Sep 23, 2016 to Oct 14, 2016 every Friday, plus Nov 1, 2016(Tuesday).
  • Makeup: 10:00-13:00, Nov 6, 2016 (Sunday).
Fee MOP800
Venue Cyber-Lab (Rua Comandante Mata Oliveira, Ed. Associacao Industrial, 3-andar Macau)
Certificate Certificate of Completion/Merit issued by CPTTM (with at least 80% attendance and passed the assessment).
PDAC code Approved Course under the SAR Government "Continuing Education Development Program", Code: 1601320157
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