AutoCAD for the Construction Industry

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Title AutoCAD for the Construction Industry
Course code CM346-03-2023-C
Objective After completing the course, the students will be able to create various types of drawings in the construction industry using AutoCAD .
Content Students will learn how to use AutoCAD to:
  • Draw different design elements: Building wall and curtain wall layout, first floor, structural grid, columns, doors, windows and stairs
  • Create and plot different types of drawings: Plans, Elevations, Sections and Construction drawing
  • Create reusable libraries: Door library

In the process the following AutoCAD functions will be taught: Lines, rectangles, polygons, polylines, text, dimensions, zoom, pan, select objects, move, copy, offset, object snaps, grip, format units, point of origin, scale factor, trim, undo, mirror, rotate, entities, layers, line types.

Assessment Complete and pass all assignments, the final project and pass the exam.
Target audience Architects, engineers, drafts persons or anyone who would like to learn create drawings with AutoCAD for the construction industry.
Prerequisite Familiar with PC or Mac and common software operation. Please check the self-assessment.
Class size 20
Instructor CPTTM Appointed Instructor
Instruction language Cantonese
Handout language Handouts partly in Chinese and partly in English
Duration 30 hours in 12 sessions
Schedule 19:00-21:30, from Mar 1, 2023 to Apr 15, 2023 every Wednesday, Saturday, excluding Apr 5, 2023(Wednesday), Apr 8, 2023(Saturday).
Fee MOP1,700
Venue Cyber-Lab (Rua Comandante Mata Oliveira, Ed. Associacao Industrial, 3-andar Macau)
Certificate Merit or completion on Certificate jointly issued by CPTTM and Autodesk (for students who have attained at least 80% attendance and passed all assessments).
PDAC code Approved Course under the SAR Government "Continuing Education Development Program", Code: 2207120066-0
  • Students will be required to practice for 5-8 hours at home for every week.
  • The students are required to submit the final project 3 weeks after the end of the course.
  • The examination will be held in the last session.
  • Students who join this course will automatically grant the right to CPTTM for using their assignments and final projects as course promotion purpose.
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