Training Series for the Middle-Aged : Cangjie Chinese Typing

Training Series for the Middle-Aged

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Title Training Series for the Middle-Aged : Cangjie Chinese Typing
Course code CM215-08-2015-C
Objective On completion, the students can type Chinese easily.
  • The basic concept of Chinese system
  • the basic rules of CANG-JIE Chinese input method
  • CANG-JIE characters and auxiliary
  • General coding rules
  • Coding sequences
  • There are knowledge assessment practices and speed practices.
  • Students must finish all speed practices with a speed of 15 Chinese characters / min or higher.
  • The average score of all knowledge assessment practices must be 60 or highter.
Target audience Elderly people or people who rarely use computers. Only will be given to people aged 40 or above.
Prerequisite Nil
Class size 12 Full
Instructor Bachelor of Information Technology, serving IT industry, with 4 years teaching experience.
Instruction language Cantonese
Handout language Handouts in Chinese (traditional)
Duration 30 hours in 10 sessions
Schedule 19:00-22:00, from Aug 3, 2015 to Sep 4, 2015 every Monday, Friday.
Fee MOP900
Venue Cyber-Lab (Rua Comandante Mata Oliveira, Ed. Associacao Industrial, 3-andar Macau)
Certificate Certificate of Completion/Merit issued by CPTTM (with at least 80% attendance and passed the assessment).
PDAC code ---
  • Approved Course under the SAR Government "Continuing Education Development Program", Code: 1501320726
  • After each lecture session, in addition to a lab session at CPTTM, the students will also need to spend 6-8 hours working at home。
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