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Dress Making - Evening Wear

Title Dress Making - Evening Wear
Course code ATP186-03-2011-C
Objective The prupose of the course is to train students the master skills in pattern making and making up for evening wear.
  • Introduction of current evening wear stylish co-ordination and variation
  • Correct measurements taking and techniques
  • Pattern making for ladies wear
  • Demonstration and practice of pattern making for evening wear
  • Demonstration of sewing for evening wear
Assessment Completion of assignments from the instructor.
Target audience Anyone interested in fashion making
Prerequisite N/A
Class size 12 Full
Instructor Ms Kitty Ng,CPTTM Appointed Instructor
Instruction language Cantonese
Handout language Handouts in Chinese (traditional)
Duration 45 hours in 15 sessions
Schedule 10:00-13:00, from Mar 6, 2011 to Jun 12, 2011 every Sunday, with Apr 24, 2011(Sunday), May 1, 2011(Sunday) replaced by Jun 19, 2011(Sunday), Jun 26, 2011(Sunday).
Fee MOP1,700. Those who fail in the assessments but whose attendence is 80% or greater will be reimbursed 25% of the fee; Those who pass the assessments but whose attendance is 50% or greater but less than 80% will be reimbursed 25% of the fee; Those who pass the assessments and whose attendance is 80% or greater will be reimbursed 50% of the fee.
Venue House of Apparel Technology (Rua dos Pescadores, Ed. Industrial Ocean, Fase II, 10 andar Macau)成衣技術匯點 (澳門漁翁街海洋工業中心第二期十樓)
Certificate Certificate of Completion/Merit issued by CPTTM (with at least 80% attendance and passed the assessment).
PDAC code ---
  • This course is included under the "Training Scheme for Human Resources Upgrading". For details, please refer to the Scheme pamphlet.
  • Please self-provide tools and materials
  • Students who join this course will automatically grant CPTTM the right to use their assignments and final projects for course promotion purposes.
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