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Nail Care

Title Nail Care
Course code ATD312-10-2017-C
Objective Lead students to understand the knowledge of nail care and different types of manicure designs.
  • Theory, structure and pathology for nail care
  • Understanding different types of nail fibre
  • Nail care
  • Phototherapy for resin nail
  • Nail polishing techniques
  • Skills for polishing various graphic patterns
Assessment Completion of assignments from the instructor.
Target audience Interested party
Prerequisite N/A
Class size 14
Instructor CPTTM Appointed Instructor(s)
Instruction language Cantonese
Handout language Handouts in Chinese (traditional)
Duration 18 hours in 6 sessions
Schedule 19:00-22:00, from Oct 18, 2017 to Nov 22, 2017 every Wednesday.
Fee MOP880
Other fees Material Fee (Compulsory): MOP300.
Venue House of Apparel Technology (Rua dos Pescadores, Ed. Industrial Ocean, Fase II, 10 andar Macau)成衣技術匯點 (澳門漁翁街海洋工業中心第二期十樓)
Certificate Certificate of Completion/Merit issued by CPTTM (with at least 80% attendance and passed the assessment).
PDAC code Approved Course under the SAR Government "Continuing Education Development Program", Code: 1707322861-0
  • According to the instructor's request to buy marterials. (Such as UV gel, top coat and cleanser etc), the fee is around MOP300.
  • Students who join this course will automatically grant CPTTM the right to use their assignments and final projects for course promotion purposes.
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